Tired of Wasting Your Potential In a 9 to 5?


If you feel like no matter how many ladders you climb, your corporate life never truly fulfils you, you're not alone.

I hear you! Despite making a decent salary I could NEVER stay in regular 9 to 5 jobs. I felt constricted: I couldn't fully practice my religion in peace and most of my energy would go into work, leaving none for my daughter and passions.

Does that sound familiar?

For a while I dreamt of being an entrepreneur to regain my freedom and independence but I was paralysed by the fear of failing and losing everything. 

I could not settle on ONE business idea and felt overwhelmed with the amount of free, but sometimes misleading, information there was out there about business.

Until I did what I should have done from the beginning: get a mentor to guide me along the way to freedom.


Whether you are starting a coaching business from scratch or struggling with your existing offer, I am here to support you:

  • Build the mindset of a confident coach and successful business owner
  • Clarify your marketing strategy and put efficient actions in place
  • Set processes that will guarantee your business will last and grow




Get rid of your limiting beliefs, set strong intentions and become the queen of boundaries with my support.


We will set up processes and a marketing strategy that will ensure your company's success.


I will help your perfect your coaching skills and get more comfortable selling your services to your ideal clients.


 Do you want:

  • The Mindset Booster: the system to reprogram your mindset for success, consistency and confidence. Time to get rid of your fears to finally reach your wildest dreams  


  • The Ultimate Organisation Framework: defeat burn out and procrastination and learn how to make time to grow your coaching business while taking care of yourself, spending time with family and working a 9 to 5


  • The Rookie to Expert Guide: a guide on how to become an incredible coach spending a fortune on coaching certifications. With this, you will never feel like a fraud and will provide transformation to your clients from the get go


  • The Stand Alone CEO guide: a guide for those who don’t have a supportive family to still make it as business owners and coaches because it is possible to build an empire even if your family does not have your back


  • The Banger Offer starter kit: the framework to teach you how to pick a market, choose the type of coaching you want to do, identify and understand your ideal client and create a BANGING offer  that you will sell with confidence and ease!


  • The Professional Content Creator Crash Course: everything you need to know on how to write and create content


There will be bonuses if you join before the end of 2023, after that the price of the program will go up!


  I Will Give You What You Need To Succeed


A proven framework that will finally allow you to stop wasting time and energy second guessing your next step.


No more excuses: I will hold your hand and make sure you do what leads to your personal and professional growth


I will share secrets about the industry that I wish I had when I first started that will save you a ton of time and money.

Apply Here

Did you know? 

  • More than 45% of muslims in need of mental health support fear not being understood by the healthcare professional 
  • 84% of respondents said that Islam is a big part of their identity and they would like it to be part of the counselling they receive. 
  • 55% of respondents said that they had not been supported by a family member with their mental health

Source: Muslim Mental Health Matters Report by The Lantern Initiative


The Ummah Needs YOU

With increasing mental health issues and no support available, many muslim find themselves feeling lonely and not knowing where to turn to receive support in line with their faith.

Our deen is a faith that emphasises the importance of community and being there for each other. Indeed, the Prophet said:

"The best of people are those that bring the most benefit to the rest of mankind." (Daraqutni, Hasan)



There is one thing that gets me out of bed with excitement: empowering Muslim women in a world where we were told to remain quiet and make ourselves small.

Just like you, I wasn't sure I could ever be the successful entrepreneur I dreamt of becoming. After countless failed attempt, I had my moments of doubts.

But today, thanks to Allah and the framework I want to share with you, I have managed to build a successful coaching business and create a lifestyle that aligns with my values, while making a positive impact in my community.


Learn more about me here

"I would definitely recommend this program to another sister who wants to delve deep into her true purpose in this life, while also learning more about herself in the process. You are going to be your first client, and you'll never regret investing in yourself."

"I have become so much more confident and have truly started to see how much benefit becoming a coach can bring to the Ummah. I can really relate to the content and don't feel like I have to hide parts of myself as a coach as my experiences allow clients to connect with me on a deeper level"

"I have become more conscious, ambitious and happy. I am constantly looking forward to the future and excited about all the things I have planned to do. I would absolutely recommend this to another sister, it has been a beautiful experience so far."

"Of course I would recommend this to a friend! I feel like if this is the path they would want to take it is very insightful and inspiring. I have experienced lots of hope and ambitions toward my future about this and cant wait to learn and practice how to be a life coach so that i can start my career. very eager."

Apply here

Ready To Make The Best Decision For Your Dunya And Akhirah?


Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life? Like no matter how hard you work, you are never satisfied? 

After quietening the voice within you that's telling you to pursue your dreams for so long, you're finally ready to stop living a life that doesn't represent who you truly are.

If that sounds like where you are in life right now and you are willing to shake EVERYTHING upside down, then my 1:1 business mentoring is for you!

Apply NOW
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