Step into who you truly are and fulfil your divine purpose

 Salam, I'm Soumaya

Growing up in a small town in France and being one of the few Muslims of Moroccan descent, I often felt like I wasn’t like anyone else and like nobody could deeply understand me. My parents were on survival mode, trying to make ends meet most of the time and I wasn’t taught much about my religion. This led me to feel even more clueless as to how to find answers to existential questions like “Why do I feel like I don’t belong anywhere? Who am I? What is my purpose? What is this sadness that overpowers me at times and I can’t comprehend?”.


Fast foreword to my twenties, after traveling the world in search for meaning, I got married and gave birth to a beautiful girl but fell into pre-natal and post-natal depression for years. Neither I or anyone around me was equipped to get me out of the darkness I had fell into. I lost myself for years and grew distant from religion and my family. I ended up divorced, separated from my daughter for months, broke and with nowhere to go.


Until one day, after reaching rock bottom, I felt an urge to turn my life around and stop sabotaging myself, by the grace of Allah. I came back to my senses, stopped any destructive behaviour, reconnected with my Creator, took my health seriously and mended my relationships. It took a lot of personal work but today, Alhamdulillah, this turning point has led me to accomplishing some of my wildest dreams.


Since I was a child, I wanted to help people, especially muslim women. This desire came from seeing my mother go through so much heartache and promising myself that if I could spare someone from experiencing similar things, I would no matter what. I also dreamt of empowering women financially so, unlike my mother and I, they would never have to be put in difficult situation just because they fully depended on one person.


Today, Alhamdulillah, I am able to fulfil both those dreams by teaching women how to heal from emotional wounds and by helping those who want to become life coaches create a successful business.


I absolutely love what Allah has an allowed me to do with my pain and struggles and I wouldn’t change anything. I truly believe that any woman, no matter how much hardship she has experienced, can change the course of her life and create a lifestyle that she loves.

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