TheĀ Healed SisterĀ Blog

This little exercise will change your life Jun 12, 2024

I am celebrating my birthday tomorrow and feeling extremely grateful for where Allah brought me in life.

This week alone has been such an emotional rollercoaster, maybe I'll tell you what happened exactly one day.

My favourite moment was hearing how our healing coaching program changed the lives...

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Turning challenges into a game May 28, 2024

When I came back to the UK after being separated from my then 5 year old for more than a year, my relationship with her was broken and required a lot of patience and grace.

Zahra would come to mine but cry for her dad for a while. My heart was shattered. I had been so many months to...

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Micro Feminine Habits for busy women May 24, 2024

A lot of my clients have this false impression that going from being stuck in your unhealthy masculine energy to embracing your feminine essence takes a lot of effort.

The truth is, small habits can have a big impact on how you feel and show up as a woman. They can mark the beginning of a new you...

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The Moroccan Soft life: focusing on what matters May 17, 2024

I just got back from Morocco where I met some pretty interesting and kind people.

One of my favourite encounter was Mubarak, a shoe maker who spent years working in Germany and came back to Morocco because he just couldn't stand the fast paced European lifestyle overly focused on...

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Finding joy in the simple thingsā€¦ May 04, 2024

A couple of months ago I was getting to know a man for the purpose of marriage and he mocked me for not knowing how to make msemen, the traditional Moroccan pancake.

My ego took a hit, and even if it had been 9 years since I had tried making it, the next day I was busy in the kitchen, watching...

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From Konya, with Love Apr 28, 2024

I often talk about the struggle of feeling spiritually stuck. This is something I experience often. The feeling that the gap between the muslim woman I want to be and the one I am is growing bigger without me knowing what to do about it.

I have an immense fear of regressing in my worship and...

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The day I told her "I love you" for the first time Apr 26, 2024

A couple of weeks ago I went up North to spend the last days of Ramadan in one of my favourite mosques in the UK.

I felt like I was due for an emotional release but wasn't giving myself the space nor the time to feel my emotions and let them out.

For as long as I can remember, I have always...

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Eid crying at the traffic light Apr 11, 2024

I won't lie to you, I can't help but feel a bit sad on Eid.

Sad that the month of Ramadan and its blessings has come to an end and that I haven't made the most of it.

But also sad that I never get to spend it with my entire family. As a single mother living in a foreign country, I can...

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How to organise a Silence Retreat at home spirituality Apr 06, 2024

Four years ago when COVID hit and we were all forced to quarantine I was at rock bottom in all field of my life but what transformed me was to shut down all the noise and connect with myself. I did so by creating what I now call DIY Silence retreat. In this article I want to walk you through:

  • ...

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3 ways to upgrade your Salah spirituality Apr 01, 2024

We have entered the blessed last ten days of Ramadan. This morning I woke up with the desire to subtly upgrade the environment that surrounds me when I pray.

When we talk about improving our Salah we often look into how to be more focused and present, that's definitely the most important thing...

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