The Moroccan Soft life: focusing on what matters

May 17, 2024

I just got back from Morocco where I met some pretty interesting and kind people.

One of my favourite encounter was Mubarak, a shoe maker who spent years working in Germany and came back to Morocco because he just couldn't stand the fast paced European lifestyle overly focused on working. 

I don't about you but I can definitely relate to that.

While taking my order for a custom pair of shoes he told me: “as long as you don't pressure me with the deadline, I left stress back in Europe”

I laughed and reaffirmed that there was no rush.

I really admired his ability to set boundaries. Even if the village he works at its buzzing on Sundays, he makes it a point to take that day off.

He could see that as an opportunity to get more clients, make more money, like most of us would. 

But he's defined and decided that other things were more important for him.

It reminded me of a podcast episode I listened to with Mo Godat in the Diary of a CEO in which Mo raised the question:

What would your life look like if your well being was always your priority?

Truth is, we're constantly chasing goals and when we reach them we move on straight into the next one.

It never ends… unless we slow down to ask ourselves how much is enough for me to be content?

That's the essence of feminine energy: being happy with what is and learning to enjoy the present moment.

I've been working on that a lot lately and I have felt this massive weight lift of my chest.

When I realise that what I have now is perfect and as long as I'm healthy, fed and sheltered, I am rich, then I feel at peace.

And I trust that Allah will provide for me and help me reach my goals without me hustling.

What about you? What would happen if you stepped out of the chasing energy and embodied the soft feminine flow?

Try it and let me know how it goes!


Ps: I'll be hosting a webinar about how to awaken the feminine within on June 5th, click here to reserve your spot!

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