Turning challenges into a game

May 28, 2024

When I came back to the UK after being separated from my then 5 year old for more than a year, my relationship with her was broken and required a lot of patience and grace.

Zahra would come to mine but cry for her dad for a while. My heart was shattered. I had been so many months to finally be reunited with her and this wasn't how I thought things would be.

The baby who used to spend time with me and hug me now refused to get close to me. There's nothing harder than being rejected by your own child as a mother.

Determined to repair my relationship with my princess, I decided to dry my tears and turn this hiccup into an opportunity to grow as a mother.

I came up with a game I knew Zahra would agree to play: huggy froggy (don't ask me where the name came from, I have no clue).

The principle was simple, I would dare her to sit on the floor with me and hug me until I couldn't take it anymore while we gently swung. 

I'd pretend to be suffering until the pressure of her hold, she found it fun and I got the TLC I was yearning for so much from her.

A real win win and simple game that allowed us to go from tears and disconnect to laughter and complicity. 

This experience taught me that behind every struggle there is an opportunity to create a game that might change everything for you.

Life is so much more exciting when we see it this way.

Give this a think, what is causing friction in your life at the moment? 

And what game can you create to bring an element of solution to this challenge?

I hope this helps you my love!

With love and duas,


Ps: being creative like that is part of feminine energy embodiment which I will be talking about in Awaken the Feminine Within Webinar, you can register for free here.

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